Waiting for the Dalai Lama: Stories from All Sides of the Tibetan Debate (Paperback)
By Annelie Rozeboom
By Annelie Rozeboom
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Customer tags: dalai lama(5), tibet(5), buddhism(5), china(5), chinese(4), human rights(3), dharamsala(3), mao(3), panchen lama(3), lhasa(3), politics(2), tibetan buddhism
Review & Description
Why does the issue of Tibet rouse such passions on both sides? To find out, Annelie Rozeboom interviewed Tibetans inside and outside Tibet, as well as Chinese and Western observers and the Dalai Lama himself. As these people explain their experiences, the reader sees why they think the way they do, and why the Tibetans and Chinese have taken such opposing positions. A collection of very different viewpoints which look at Tibet from all angles. Read more
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